Leave Your Mark - Lauren Hess

The Leave Your Mark Series invites current and former college athletes to address their former selves to provide advice, comfort, or anything else they feel may be important for up-and-coming generations to consider when determining their college athletic goals.

To read the entire Leave Your Mark Series, head over to www.athletestoathletes.com

Dear 18-year-old Lauren, 

I am you, but 6 years in the future – graduated from college and working your first “big girl” job. As I have seen you grow into the fine young woman you are today, I want to give you some advice for the place you are in your life right now. 

The principle of taking initiative and working hard to create the future you want has been instilled in your mind since a very young age. And while that forward-thinking still remains, I have come to realize the importance of living in the moment and being present in your day-to-day life. 

There is no time like the present.

You have accomplished a lot as an 18-year-old, and you should be proud of where you are right now. Committing to playing division one soccer at Georgetown University is an incredible accomplishment. Georgetown is an extremely prestigious university both academically and athletically. 

The success you have had in the classroom and on the soccer field has led you to this exact moment. Not to mention all of the sacrifices you have made to get here.

From a young age, soccer has defined you. 

Your athletic ability and leadership at your club team have allowed you to excel in so many ways. People at school see you as the soccer player who committed to play D1, something a lot of people cannot say they will do.

While you have worn that label on your sleeve, you are much more than that. You have a generous heart, outgoing and warm personality, and challenge yourself to put your best foot forward in everything you do. 

With all of your success will come hardship.

Being a collegiate athlete is rewarding and challenging, but also emotionally, physically, and mentally taxing. You will find yourself in some situations you could have never prepared yourself for. 

These experiences are going to teach you hard lessons and shape you into the person you will become. It is not easy to balance academics, athletics, and social life, while maintaining a positive mental state. 

Do not beat yourself up when it gets tough – keep your head up, work hard, and find the people that will have a positive impact on your life. At the end of the day, you are not only defined by the sport you play; you are a human being.

Do not be afraid to stand up for yourself and walk away from something that is not benefiting you. Sometimes things do not work out the way they are supposed to and that is okay. 

Change can be good. 

Accepting change does not make you weak, it makes you strong. Do not let the words and actions of others define your self-worth. 

You have gotten to where you are because you deserve it. You have put the work in and no one can ever take that away from you. 

While soccer will always be a part of your identity, embrace the opportunity to create your own identity. Find other things you are truly passionate about and immerse yourself in all of the happiness that chasing those passions will bring you. Unimaginable adventures and endless opportunities are in your future. 

Chase your dreams, and chase them hard. 

Like I said earlier, you are a human being above all. Be authentically yourself and never forget who you are. Oh, and don’t forget to have fun and enjoy the ride. Soak in every single moment, because one day you will hang up your cleats for the last time and wish you could experience it all one more time. 

Time flies by in college, but I promise they will be some of the best years of your life. 

I am extremely proud of you. Keep doing you, girl. 

All my love, 

Future Lauren 


Who You Know: The Faulty Recruiting Strategy


Leave Your Mark - Derek Guidmond